School Holidays: Prime Target for Vandalism
Posted 4th September 2018 by Helen Leach During the summer holidays, more often than not, school buildings are left unoccupied for a number of weeks.This makes them prime targets for vandals and trouble-makers.
In the past summer holidays alone, many schools have fallen victim to vandalism.
From smashed windows to broken or stolen equipment, many schools are now finding themselves having to raise funds to fix and replace damaged or stolen items to ensure their school can re-open in time for the new school year.
We take a look at a couple of cases which have occurred in recent weeks…
This Moray secondary school was trashed in a mindless vandalism spree. During the raid, science lab equipment, computers and windows were all targeted and several fire extinguishers were set off – leaving the school with glass shattered and debris strewn across the classroom floors. High-tech whiteboards were left unusable.
Moray Council revealed that the cost of the damage is likely to stretch to more than £10,000.
Forres councillor George Alexander said: “It’s a great shame when things like this happen. These are facilities provided at the tax-payers expense to help the young people in the community”.
Burnfoot Community School was victim to a number of mindless acts of vandalism over recent weeks.
A total of ten windows were smashed over the period. CCTV cameras were also damaged and school equipment stolen.
The repair bill is estimated to be thousands of pounds.
A spokesperson for the school said: “We are devastated at the amount of damage that has been done to our school over the holidays. We have also had equipment stolen from the school and CCTV cameras vandalised”.
This is the third year in succession that the school has been targeted by vandals.
Local councillor Stuart Marshall said: “With education budgets already stretched, the last thing we need is to add more pressure to it by having to constantly repair vandalised buildings”.
Vandalism in schools has been an issue for a number of years now.
It was revealed in 2016 by the Scottish Conservatives that £4.5million of the tax-payers money was spent repairing vandalism in Scottish schools alone. This number is likely to be much higher as well as some local authorities – including Scotland’s capital Edinburgh were unable to put a figure on the cost of vandalism.
Helping schools to combat vandalism and increase their security is something we have experience in.
In 2015, Window Security Solutions installed Crimeshield at Briscoe Lane Academy in Newton Heath.
After 12 years of persistent vandalism and measures such as mesh wire grilles and barbed wire failing to prevent broken windows, they found Crimeshield.
Crimeshield is designed to fit over existing window frames and features a perforated screen which gives the effect of tinted glass. The perforated screen protects the window against blows, rocks and even air gun pellets whilst still allowing light to enter rooms and windows to be open for ventilation.
The before and after pictures speak for themselves.
If your school has been a victim of vandalism and you would like to find an effective long-term solution, please speak to our team of window security specialist on 0161 413 0766 or send us an email.
Sources: Press and Journal, The Southern Reporter